Short Detail of :

Description of Scholarship:
announced by for to study in . The scholarship allows level programm(s) in the field(s) of taught at . The last date of applying for this scholarship is and scholarship provide to successful candidates.
The provide a golden chance to to complete their studies in the field(s) of at on scholarship.
Today we welcome students for a detailed briefing on the International Australia Awards scholarship. We will discuss Australia awards as per the following agendas:-
- Overview
- Selection process
- Eligibility and compliance process
- How to fill in online applications
- Hints and tips on how to apply for Australian award scholarships online applications
Australian awards scholarships are prestigious international awards offered by the Australian government to the next generation of global leaders for development. your application will be assessed based on three main factors:-
- Candidate’s professional and personal qualities
- Academic competence, and
- Student potential impact for development in Timor-Leste
Promoting access and opportunity:
Australia scholarships really encourage women people with disabilities and people from rural areas to apply for this scholarship but preference also will be given to those who have not had the scholarship opportunity before.
We still have fewer alumni so represent your municipality and apply for Australia award scholarships.
Study Levels and Fields:
The priority factor for undergraduate level economics nutrition and health, there is no priority set for master and Ph.D. level, and also we do offer postgraduate certificate postgraduate diploma for permanent public servant only, for people with a disability awards are available for any level of study including diploma, advanced diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate level.
Also Check this Scholarship: Australia Awards Scholarships Fully Funded (Full Tuition Fees/Living-Traveling Allowance)
International Australia Awards Scholarship Selection Process:
There are seven stages in the selection process.
First stage you have to make sure you are eligible to apply and ensure all your supporting documents are attached to your online application.
Second stage is the academic English language test which consists of writing speaking listening and reading.
Third stage the panel will assess your application and supporting documentation.
Fourth stage is another academic English language test which consists of writing listening speaking and reading.
Fifth stage the panel will rank the application based on your IELTS result and shortlisting assessment score.
Sixth stage the candidate with a higher ranking will be invited to interview.
Seventh Stage the successful candidate will be notified by the scholarship team please check for the key dates on our website.
Now let’s understand the selection process in detail:
Welcome to the Australia awards congratulations for taking the first step to further your studies this post will guide you through the scholarship application process and how you can apply.
Eligibility and Compliance Criteria for International Australia Awards Scholarship:
- First, make sure you don’t miss the online application period online application starts on the first of February until the 30th of April check for other key dates on the Australian awards scholarship Timor-Leste website.
- Before you start the process check the eligibility criteria to make sure you are eligible to apply for Australia awards scholarships.
- Prepare all your supporting documents and get them ready for your online application.
- Country specific conditions;
- Qualification and English language requirements;
- Eligibility and compliance criteria are not negotiable. Please make sure to check the eligibility criteria before starting your online application, you can check the general eligibility criteria in Australia awards scholarship policy handbook, and in-country eligibility criteria on Australia watch scholarship country profile which is available online and can be downloaded from the Australia awards Timor-Leste website. Please watch the video about the eligibility and compliance criteria on the Australia awards Timor-Leste website for hints.
- The online application form needs to be fully completed to be considered make sure to show your research commitment and show yourself as a strong applicant, to learn more about how to best complete your application take the time to watch the video on how to complete a good application which can be found on Australia awards website at
- Prepare all your supporting documents and get them ready for your online application.
- Once you have completed your application, remember to print a copy of your application before submitting it.
Preliminary English Language Test (PELT):
Candidates who are eligible and compliant will sit for a preliminary English language test which consists of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Candidates who meet the required score for the preliminary English language test will be recommended for a shortlisting process. During the shortlisting process, your application will be assessed on the followings:-
- Your academic competence;
- The potential outcome specifically what you will be able to contribute to the development outcomes of Timor-Leste;
- Professional and personal leadership attributes including relevant work experience;
The recommended candidates will proceed to 40 hours of IELTS preparation prior to the real IELTS test you must meet the International Australia Awards Scholarship Timor-Leste IELTS requirement for each study level you’re applying for. These successful candidates will be recommended after the second round of shortlisting.
- Applicants with a disability for diploma or advanced diploma studies must have an English language proficiency of at least an IELTS score of 5.0;
- Applicants for bachelor studies must have an English language proficiency of at least an IELTS score of 5.5;
- Masters by coursework or research and postgraduate certificate or postgraduate different level applicants must have an English language proficiency of at least an IELTS score of 6.0;
- Ph.D. level applicants must have an English language proficiency of at least an IELTS score of 6.5.
To check IELTS proficiency requirements for each level of study visit this link Candidates who meet the IELTS criteria and rank the highest during the first round of shortlisting will be invited for an interview. You’re almost there congratulations for making it this far. To make sure you are well prepared for the interview please check the available video for interview hints tips and other support materials available on the Australia awards Timor-Leste website these tools will help you do well in your interview.
Now that you’re done with the interview you just need to wait for the interview result of the International Australia Awards Scholarship. You will be notified through email to collect your result at the workforce development program Timor-Leste office. Don’t be discouraged if you are not successful yet making it this far in the selection process is already an achievement does not give up and use the feedback to better prepare yourself for next time. If you are successful, congratulations this is the beginning of your Australia awards scholarship adventure. For now, go back to the selection process and check your eligibility and compliance criteria before working on your application, good luck.
We especially encourage women, people with a disability, and people from rural areas to apply.
Eligibility and compliance:
There are three types of eligibility criteria:-
- Global eligibility criteria;
- In-country eligibility criteria;
- Specific criteria for those who are working as a public servant
The Australia Awards scholarship is an open and competitive process providing equal opportunity to all eligible people. Before you start your online application it’s important to have a good understanding of the eligibility criteria.
There are global and in-country eligibility criteria that you need to satisfy.
Australia awards global criteria:
- Candidate must be a minimum of 18 years old when you start your online application;
- Be a Timoless citizen;
- The candidate is not a citizen of Australia holds permanent residency in Australia or is applying for a visa to live in Australia permanently;
- Applicant not be married to, engaged to, or a de-facto of a person who holds or is eligible to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency at any time during the application, selection, or mobilization process
- Not a currently serving military personnel;
- If you are already an Australia awards alumni there is an exclusion period you must complete before applying for another Australia awards scholarship;
- Please contact the scholarship team to find out if you are still in the exclusion period;
- The candidate must be able to provide all the supporting documents required for the Australia awards application process;
- no criminal record;
- you can only apply for a course that is higher than the current qualification you hold;
Applicants also need to meet the following Timeliest specific eligibility criteria:-
- Live in Timor-Leste for at least 10 years cumulatively since 1999, if you had a scholarship from another donor you need to have worked in Timor-lest for a minimum of two years cumulatively;
- Not having citizenship of any developed country exceptions may be made in some instances for Timoris citizens holding Portuguese citizenship;
- The applicant does not currently hold another scholarship with the same benefits
- Candidate not have been terminated from a previous Australian government scholarship;
- Any applicants employed as civil servants or working in the public sector must apply for studies relevant to your current job with your organization or institutions an application must be endorsed by a senior government official for example director-general or national director;
- If you have met both global and Timor-Leste specific eligibility criteria make sure that you also provide all supporting documents required to find a checklist at this link ;
- Be aware that failure to provide the required supporting documents will render your application ineligible for consideration;
- DFAT has a zero-tolerance approach to fraud therefore documents deemed to be fraudulent will deem the application ineligible for further consideration;
How to Fill International Australia Awards Scholarship Application Form:
If you are applying for an International Australia Awards Scholarship you must meet all the eligibility and compliance requirements before starting your online application. Applicants are encouraged to carefully consider the following:-
- Prepare your supporting documents;
- Research university courses
Now ready to start your online application:-
- Open your internet browser and navigate to this link ;
- On the home page menu select log on or register and register a new account if you have applied for a previous Intel crown you will already be registered in oasis and you do not need to register again;
- If you cannot remember your password you can reset your password by entering your email address;
- The oasis user guide is available and can be downloaded from the Australia awards demolesta website;
- There are 19 sections to complete prior to submitting your online application, research the Australia awards Timor-Leste website make sure that you have completed each section before submitting your application;
- Make sure you provide the correct details in all 19 sections of the application;
- When you are proposing your study program in section 8 make sure you provide the right circus code for your preferred course;
- You can check the code for your course here;
- To enter your course preference start by selecting add icon on the proposed study program screen enter the circus code and fill out all the required information;
- Research Australia awards the molester website please prepare your supporting statements carefully. Your answers will be assessed by the Australia awards scholarship selection panel during both the shortlisting and interview process;
- Make sure your applications align with the focus of the awards such as work experience previous study and career goals;
- You can attach your supporting documents in section 18 documentary evidence;
- Providing false or misleading information is a serious offense under the criminal code act 1995 of the Commonwealth of Australia;
- All online applications must be submitted in oasis with all relevant documents attached. Students can withdraw and resubmit their application, to make additional changes as needed. But take note that this can only be done before the application deadline on the 30th of April;
- Entry will be closed to all applicants after this cut time. Applicants will no longer be able to view, edit, or submit their applications there is no exception to this rule;
- Oasis user guide for the application submission is available and can be downloaded from our website;
- Remember to save your application every time you log off;
- Make sure to check for spelling and grammar mistakes;
- Do not plagiarize your answers;
- Be careful not to exceed the word limit;
- Avoid acronyms and industry-specific jargon;
- Remember to print a copy of your application before submitting it;
- Do not cut and paste your answers from the job description, performance review, or government report. Failure to submit supporting documents could rule you ineligible for the next stage of the selection process;
- Due to the number of applicants, there may be delays leading up to the application deadline;
- To avoid this please submit your application two weeks early, good luck and we look forward to receiving your application.
If you want to be successful in the International Australia Awards Scholarship application first make sure that, the area of study you choose relates to your previous education. And your current work and future plans second be clear about your career plan that will have a positive impact on the development of Timorese and lastly keep developing your English skills.