Short Detail of :

Description of Scholarship:
announced by for to study in . The scholarship allows level programm(s) in the field(s) of taught at . The last date of applying for this scholarship is and scholarship provide to successful candidates.
The provide a golden chance to to complete their studies in the field(s) of at on scholarship.
PhD Scholarships in GAELFAM Project: Qualified people are being asked to apply for full-time PhD grants with full funding through the University of Galway’s College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic Studies. If things go well, the job will last for four years after the first year, which starts on May 1, 2024.
PhD Scholarships in GAELFAM Project:
The GAELFAM project looks into the language experiences of families who live in the Irish Gaeltacht and speak a language at home in addition to or instead of Irish or English. We want to learn more about how language works in these homes, especially when it comes to teens. To make important contributions to the field of sociolinguistics, the chosen PhD researcher will do ethnographic research, such as conversations and case studies.